Education Moore Exotics


Hog-Nosed Bronchitis

hog-nosed bronchitis


Maximum length for men/unisex is 6.7 cm.

Physical Characteristics and Behavior

A Brochis multiradiatus has about 17 rays on its dorsal fin, compared to only about 11 on a regular Corydoras. Its snout is notably longer than that of other Corydora species, earning it the nickname “Hog-nosed.” They can grow up to 2.6 inches in length. With a slight head tilt, they may simulate blinking and appear to be doing it. These fish are “facultative air breathers” that frequently surface for a breath because of their highly vascularized gut, which allows them to absorb atmospheric oxygen. The aquarium should be covered and only partially filled because the fish might breathe air from its surroundings.

Care of this fish as pet


  • Water Conditions 

The hog-nosed catfish needs a tropical setting with water that is between 70 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit, 21 to 24 degrees Celsius, and has a pH range of 6.0 to 7.2.

  • Setup

The substrate of the tank should be composed of either fine gravel or sand. The fragile and delicate barbels, like those of most corydoras and brochis, might deteriorate if the substrate is too harsh. This may result in undesired bacterial and fungal infections and sore mouths. For rummaging and hiding, driftwood and leaf litter will be greatly appreciated. A fantastic approach to give the tank a more natural feel is with plants.

  • Feeding

A pig-nosed Brochis is an omnivore who will eat a variety of foods including flakes, pellets, live animals, and even worms. On occasion, mussels or prawn pieces can also be offered. but no products made from terrestrial animals.

  • Tank mates

Angelfish, dwarf cichlids, tetras, or medium-sized peaceful loach species might make good friends. Take care when handling these fish since their enormous pectoral and dorsal spines can easily entangle netting.


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