Education Moore Exotics


Hillstream Loach

Hillstream Loach


2.2 inches (5.7 cm)

Physical Characteristics

This particular species of loach exhibits hydrodynamic features including wing-like pectoral and pelvic fins and rays, a smooth body (their scales are microscopic), depressed undersides, and depressed undersides. They can cling to rocks and smooth surfaces while swimming against strong currents because of their underside and fins, which act as strong ventral discs. In order to eat insect larvae, Hillstream Loaches can also crawl and climb out of the water. Their body is evocative of a manta ray, particularly when they swim, despite their marking (reticulated) which resembles that of a snake.


An extremely calm and serene freshwater fish is the hillstream loach. They prefer to spend their time either fastened onto a rock surface or hunting for food because they don’t want to cause conflict with any other animals (or the glass in your tank).

At times, watching it can be amusing. It’s not unusual to find all of your hillstream loaches carelessly clinging to the tank’s glass. They simply want to act independently!


Sewellia lineotola is found in rivers and headwaters that are shallow, swiftly moving, and highly oxygenated and contain sections of riffles broken up by pools or occasionally waterfalls.

Keeping as Pet


  • Tank Size

A hillstream loach should have a tank that is at least 50 gallons in capacity.

  • Water Parameters

The reticulated hillstream loach’s base water requirements are fairly simple. If you want to maintain these fish with other species, you should keep them in cooler water because they thrive there. Although you do have some leeway because they are relatively tough, it’s recommended to keep them in water with the following levels.

Water is between 68 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit.

pH ranges from 6.5 to 7.5

Medium hardness of the water

  • Feeding

Providing the proper diet is essential if you want your hillstream loach to survive as long as possible. These omnivorous fish spend the most of their time in the wild foraging and hunting for suitable prey. They consume a lot of algae naturally, which is one of the reasons they like to stay out on rock surfaces so much (they are great places for algae to grow).

Flakes, algal wafers, pellets, frozen bloodworms, and brine shrimp make up a healthy diet for captivity-reared hillstream loaches. For them, you might also include some vegetables like spinach or kale.

  • Tank mates

You have a selection of possible tank mates for your hillstream loach. This fish is mild, so they won’t really want to get in the way of others. Also, they are a little too little to cause any trouble. They won’t risk their luck with bigger fish because they are well aware of their small stature. We can confidently suggest two excellent options: danios and rasbora species. The reticulated hillstream loaches will get along great with them.

In addition to aggression, temperature preference is the major quality you should look for in a tank companion. Many tropical freshwater fish are excluded because hillstream loaches prefer slightly cooler water. To be safe, compare the suggested temperature ranges first.


hilstream loach table

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