Education Moore Exotics


Heterocladosoma Bifalcatum

Eastern Australia is home to the common millipede species Heterocladosoma bifalcatum.


  • Color

The body of this millipede is a stunning blackish-brown color, while the legs, antennae, and sternites are red.

  • Tibiotarsal branch

It can be differentiated from other Heterocladosoma by its greatest tibiotarsal branch, which tapers apically and curves extensively laterally, the gonopods’ telopodite, which has a small profile, and the almost straight femoro-solenomerite.

Behavior and Habitat

  • Log debris on the ground and tree bark are both places where Heterocladosoma bifalcatum can be found. 
  • The species is most active in the early morning and in cloudy or rainy conditions.

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