Education Moore Exotics





Scientific name: Erinaceus europaeus

Life span: Up to 2- 5 years

The hedgehog is a small exotic species that is distinguished by the presence of keratin spines. Their spines are stiff in structure but not toxic in nature. They can shed their spines and this process of shedding is called quilling. When an animal is ill or under a lot of stress, its spines can also shed. They are dark brown in color and the tip of the spine is pale in color. Their body weight is about 700- 750 g. They have a long snout, large black eyes, and small ears. They do not have proper vision. The small body is densely covered with spines and has a white-colored face. The limbs are also small and thin that possess claws. They are insectivores and prefer to feed on small insects and worms.

Native Region/Habitat

Hedgehogs are native to New Zealand, Europe, Africa, Asia, and North America. They are found in grasslands, hedgerows, forest margins, scrub, and suburban gardens.

As Pet



They are nocturnal in nature, and hedgehogs are most active at night. Their immune systems may suffer, they may become stressed, and they may try to hibernate, which may be deadly if you try and wake them awake during day time by changing their light schedule. Having a steady heat source is crucial since they could try to hibernate if it gets too cold. In captivity, they prefer to live in lean tunnels or tubes. This behavior of hedgehogs is often called tubing. They love cuddling and interacting at night.


Hedgehogs kept as pets often need to be fed and watered every night, their bedding changed, and handled sometimes. Feeding and watering are the major aspects of caring for pet hedgehogs. Ensure that you give them regular rests because they do not enjoy being handled, constrained, or carried about for long periods of time. Once each week, other bedding needs to be thrown out and replaced. Considering that hedgehogs have extremely sensitive noses, stay away from any perfumed soaps or cleansers.


hedgehog table

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