Education Moore Exotics





1.2-2.4 inches.

Physical Appearance and Characteristics 

There are a wide variety of colors available. This lively fish is perfect for novice fish keepers due to its low maintenance needs and peaceful disposition. All things are consumed by these animals. They can generally eat whatever they want without experiencing any detrimental health repercussions. They only need to be fed once or twice a day, and even then, only in very small amounts, due to their tiny tummies. They get along nicely with other peaceful fish and have an extremely peaceful personality. As a result, it’s crucial to keep the ratio of females to males as low as possible.


Water Conditions 64-82° F, KH 10-30, pH 5.5-8.0

Keeping as Pet


  • Fish Care 

There is a reason why guppies are so frequently suggested to new aquarists. These fish are surprisingly tough considering their small size!

They are a fantastic choice for anyone just learning the fundamentals of fishkeeping because they are tough and very adaptable. Anyone is capable of managing proper guppy care.

  • Tank Size

What kind of aquarium does a guppy require first?

Guppies don’t require a large aquarium to be kept because of their diminutive size. Five litres is all that is needed for a trio to live comfortably! The fish’s needs will be met by a five gallon tank.

However, people advise using a 10-gallon tank or larger for optimal results.

A bigger tank offers more comfortable living space. Guppies are quite energetic and enjoy swimming around their surroundings. That behavior can be accommodated in larger aquariums slightly better than in smaller ones.

  • Parameters of water

The best thing that the owner can do for any fish species is to as closely as the owner can mimic their native environment. Fortunately, taking care of a guppy is not too tough. South America’s mild seas are home to guppy fish. They are capable of adjusting well to a significant temperature range. However, warmer weather is preferable for them. 

It’s interesting to note that guppy life cycles can change depending on the state of the water. They mature more slowly and procreate less frequently in colder climates. In the meantime, warmer environments allow them to mature more quickly.

Guppies usually inhabit ponds and streams with a moderate water flow. Because of this, their natural environments are frequently brimming with life. It is better to supply water that is on the harsher side and maintain an overall neutral pH balance in order to mimic the live ecosystem.

It’s wonderful that people don’t need to be precise when taking care of guppies. Even while individuals should continue to routinely check the water quality (using a reliable test kit) to prevent any significant changes, as long as fishes stay within the following acceptable levels,  fish should be alright.

Temperature: 64 to 84 degrees Fahrenheit for the water (somewhere in the mid-70s is ideal)

pH range: 7.5–8.0 

Water hardness range: 8–12 dGH


guppy table

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