Education Moore Exotics


Guenther’s Mouthbrooder

Guenther's Mouthbrooder


Males can grow as tall as 20 cm (7.9 in), while females can grow as tall as 13 cm (5.12 in) (5.1 in).

Physical Characteristics and Behavior

This fish possesses 15–17 dorsal spines, 9–12 Dorsal soft rays, 3–4 Anal spines, and 6–8 Anal soft rays. A straight dorsal head profile; an iris that is yellow to brownish with the posterior half often red; an upper lip that is white or light blue; and a black interspinous membrane between the first two to three dorsal fin spines in juveniles are diagnostic features.

As Pet Care and Requirements

Guenther's Mouthbrooder fish

  • The Aquarium Size

For a single pair, minimum base dimensions of 120*30 cm is advised.

  • Water Conditions

When the pH range is between 6.0 and 8.0 and the water temperature is between 23 and 25 degrees Celsius (74 and 77 degrees Fahrenheit), this fish thrives.

  • Behavior and compatibility 

Can be kept in a group as long as tank mates are carefully selected after thorough investigation. The best options are calm, pelagic characids and cyprinids, while other cichlids can be kept as long as they don’t compete too much for food and territory. It is recommended to keep C. gunteri alone or in a group of small-mouthed, non-predatory “dither” fish if you want to use it for breeding. Although not particularly aggressive in comparison to some related species, members of this genus are non-gregarious once they reach adulthood, and bonded pairs are fiercely possessive, so it’s usually preferable to retain just one pair.

  • Diet

Benthophagous omnivores by nature, Chromidotilapia spp. eat tiny invertebrates, algae, organic waste, shrimp eggs, etc. They frequently engage in a browsing behavior akin to that of several South American cichlid genera, such as Geophagus and Satanoperca, where they take mouthfuls of substrate and sift through it for food objects before expelling the remainder through their mouth and gills.

As long as the meal is relatively low in protein, they are not difficult to feed in aquariums. Offer sinking prepared meals, such as spirulina or similar, that are rich in vegetal matter, along with an occasional feeding of live or frozen chironomid larvae (bloodworm), Daphnia, Artemia, or mosquito larvae. The end of a sharp pipette or small knife can be used to cut homemade, gelatine-bound recipes including a combination of dry fish food, puréed seafood, as well as fresh fruit and vegetables, into bite-sized pieces.

  • Maintenance

In order to allow the fish to naturally graze, it is ideal to utilize a soft, sand-based substrate (see “Diet”). Additional furnishings are mostly a matter of personal preference, although the most popular arrangements typically include some driftwood pieces, a few scattered roots and branches, and dim lighting. To provide suitable spawning sites, you can also add one or two flat, water-worn rocks.

Since these cichlids are vulnerable to declining water quality and should never be introduced to an aquarium with immature biological systems, water quality is of the utmost significance. Utilizing an effective filtration system and doing weekly water changes of 30–50% tank volume are the two best ways to attain the needed stability.


guenther's mouthbrooder table

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