Education Moore Exotics


Griffon Vulture

Griffon vulture


Life span: Up to 37 years

The Eurasian griffon vulture (Gyps fulvus), a sizable raptor in the Accipitridae family, is an Old World vulture. Another name for it is the Griffon vulture, however that name may apply to the entire genus. Griffon vultures have feathers that are a mix of pale and dark brown. Their wings’ tips resemble fingers. White feathers cover their head and neck. These birds can be identified by the white ruff or collar around their necks. The tip of their golden beak is rounded. A griffon vulture’s wingspan is 8 to 9 feet. They weigh between 13 and 24 lbs. and are between 3 and 4 feet tall.

Native Region/Habitat

The majority of Europe, North Africa, the Middle East, to Afghanistan, India, Pakistan, and Nepal may all be home to this raptor. The biggest population is in Spain. They can be discovered in a variety of habitats, including as grasslands, mountains, shrublands, and semi-deserts. They can survive snow, rain, sleet, and even mist, however warmer weather is preferred.

Griffon vulture.


Like other vultures, it is a scavenger and loves to consume dead animal carcasses that it comes upon while soaring over huge areas and frequently travelling in groups. In contrast to the abundance of dead animals and the extensive covering of open regions, it constructs nesting colonies on cliffs that are undisturbed by humans. It hisses and growls while it is consuming carrion or roosting.

These birds are known to travel in groups and rely on their neighbours to help them find carcasses at the high altitudes of their trip. When one of them approaches the carcass and starts eating, the others stop collaborating and start fighting and using intimidation techniques.

As a pet/In captivity

Because they are scavengers, griffon vultures are not suitable as pets. Zoos are permitted to keep these wild birds in captivity, but doing it at home is not advised.


Griffon vulture table


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