Education Moore Exotics


Grey Squirrel



Grey squirrels typically have grey fur, although they occasionally have reddish-brown patches, particularly on their faces and legs. The species’ long, bushy tail aids in balance while climbing trees.

Red squirrels should not be confused with them. Normally, just looking at them will tell you which kind they are, but occasionally you’ll see reddish-grey and greyish-red squirrels. In doubt, have a peek at the tail. Red squirrel tails have a single colour, but grey squirrel tails have a variety of hues and frequently include a white “halo” around the edge. With a usual weight of 550g as opposed to 300g for reds, greys are also heavier set.



Grey squirrels, which are native to North America, were first brought to the UK in the 19th century. The population of grey squirrels in the UK is believed to be 2.7 million, and it is expanding.


The grey squirrel can be spotted throughout the year and is most active during the day. In extreme weather, it has been observed tunnelling under snow to obtain buried nuts. The squirrels are capable of creating countless caches. Few nuts are buried deeper than 1/4 inch below the surface of the ground.

As Pet

Acorns, tree shoots, bulbs, buds, nuts, fungus, and roots are all favourites of grey squirrels. On rare occasions, squirrels will steal eggs and chicks from birds. A drey is the name of their small, spherical nest. It is made of twigs, leaves, bark, and grass, and it is a little bigger than a football.


grey-squirrel table

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