Education Moore Exotics


Green Peacock



Lifespan: 10-50 years

Southeast Asian tropical forests are home to the green peacock, sometimes known as the Indonesian peacock or Pavo muticus. Particularly in the wild, the male and female look quite much alike. Both sexes have lengthy upper tail coverts that conceal the underside of the true tail. While the female’s coverts are green and much shorter, only covering the tail, the male’s are ornamented with eyespots. Both sexes have iridescent green feathers on their necks and breasts that resemble scales. The skin of the face is double-striped from white to light blue, and next to each ear is a crescent-shaped pattern from yellow to orange.


In the past, the green peacock was found throughout Southeast Asia, but now it is only rarely found in China, Indonesia, Cambodia, Thailand, Myanmar, and Viet Nam. These peacocks can be found in a variety of environments, such as evergreen and deciduous main and secondary woods, as well as tropical and subtropical ones. Their preferred habitat in Vietnam is a dry, deciduous forest near a body of water that is unaffected by people.



Green peacock are forest birds that frequently spend time on the ground or close to it in sedges and tall grasses. Family groups spend the night roosting in trees at a height of 10-15 m (33-49 ft). They can be observed in small groups during the day, feeding on the ground, drinking, grooming, and taking naps in the shade. Either in the early morning or at dusk, they search through the leaf litter for food. Typically quiet, green peacock. Every morning, at dawn, and at twilight, the males typically make a loud ‘ki-wao’ call from their roost locations.

Care as Pet

Put your green peacock in a small structure, box stall, chicken house or utility shed as soon as you have them.  Before introducing the birds to other birds, it is advisable to isolate them for a few weeks, if at all possible, to ensure that they have adapted to their new surroundings.

Green peacock can be given the same food as ordinary peacock breeds as long as they are 6 months old or older.  Avoid high-protein diets like turkey feeds.  The largest member of the pheasant family is the peacock, which should be given pheasant or game bird diets rather than chicken or turkey diets.

Additional heat should be given in regions where winter temperatures drop considerably below freezing in order to maintain a building temperature of between 30 and 40 degrees F.  They can avoid getting frostbite on their feet and legs by using a heated roost.



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