Education Moore Exotics


Green Monkey

Green monkey


Scientific name: Chlorocebus sabaeus

Green monkeys have greenish fur, and their hands and feet are light in hue. The backs of the legs and face hairs are also golden yellow, as is the end of the tail. The tail is long and prehensile which helps them in hanging with trees and their branches. On the brow, there is no distinctive ring of fur. Their males’ scrotums are a light blue color. They exhibit sexual dimorphism. Males are larger in size as compared to females and have a body weight of about 3- 8 kg. Females have a body weight of 3- 5 kg. The total body length is about 1- 1.5 ft.

Native Region/Habitat

Green monkeys are endemic to Senegal, Cape Verde, the islands of Saint Kitts, Florida, Saint Martin, West Africa, and Nevis. They inhabit dry woodlands, coastal regions, and rainforests.

As Pet

Green monkey.


A green monkey may make a good pet. Even though they have reared from birth, they are wild animals that are capable of erupting into violence at any time. In captivity or in their enclosure, green monkeys sometimes become violent, bite, or act destructively. They have the possibility of causing further harm, bodily harm, or even death. The danger is too great in most situations, however, there are instances when a well-trained green monkey spends its whole life without ever hurting anyone. Green monkeys require diversified, healthy food as well as many hours each day of stimulation and social contact. The animal may become hostile if these requirements are not properly met, leading to loneliness or depression.


Green monkeys have specific requirements and need a lot of attention and care. Taking care of one at home might be quite difficult. Green monkeys are twice as strong as humans and require a very sturdy enclosure. In your home, they shouldn’t be left alone. They ought to have regular veterinary treatment because they are prone to a number of common illnesses, including diabetes, tooth decay, and heart disease.


green monkey table

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