Education Moore Exotics


Green-Blotched Giant Anole

Green-blotched-Giant Anole


Scientific name: Anolis smallwoodi    

Life span: 8-12 years

The green-blotched giant anole, also known as the Smallwood’s anole, is a type of lizard that belongs to the Dactyloidae family. The coloring of the Smallwood’s anole varies regionally. They can have blue specks and are normally deep green in color.

Native Region/Habitat

Both lowland and highland regions of Eastern Cuba are home to these lizards, including semi-deciduous, evergreen, gallery, rainforest, mangrove, and coffee plantations. They are widely renowned for their ability to adapt to fit in extremely particular niche habitats and for maintaining a sizable home range.

Green-blotched-Giant Anole


A dewlap, or colored flap of skin beneath the chin, is a feature unique to males. Males lengthen their dewlap when aroused so that it is larger and more intimidating to territorial rivals or predators. During the breeding season, they also flash their dewlap to entice females.

Care As a pet/In captivity:

Arboreal hunters known as Smallwood’s anoles scale trees in quest of insects, grubs, and tree frogs. They sip water off of leaves and drink it.

They consume roaches, mealworms, crickets, and earthworms at the Smithsonian National Zoo.


green-blotched giant anole table

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