Education Moore Exotics


Great Seahorse

Great Seahorse.

The big seahorse, or Hippocampus kelloggi, is a species of ray-finned fish belonging to the Syngnathidae family. Of the 54 seahorse species, it is one of the biggest. They are connected to habitats near freshwater. They can reproduce sexually. The population size of the seahorse is difficult to measure due to its large geographic range, but since they have been sighted less frequently lately, scientists believe that the population is declining. Asia’s population density fell by between 50% and 60%. It typically dwells alone or in very small groups. It falls within the category of vulnerable, which is the stage before endangerment.


It has been found all over the Indo-Pacific, notably from the coast of East Africa to Japan. Seahorses have been found in depths of over 100 meters, with the deepest one being 152 meters below the top of the water, despite the fact that they are frequently found in shallow environments.

Great Seahorse


The seahorse’s head has a crown-like appearance. It is rounder, especially above its eye, despite having a pronounced spine. Although some gorgeous seahorses were initially thought to be a brand-new species, genomic sequencing has disproven this. It is frequently mistaken for other species. They can be recognized by their atypically high tail rings, which account for about 57% of their bodies and are marginally longer than average. It has a soft texture and a light color. In the wild, they have a two- to four-year lifespan.


The eggs are bred by males in sacks. Males release the eggs after a few weeks of gestation without taking care of them. Males typically begin to prepare for breeding almost soon after giving birth. The great seahorse’s precise breeding behaviors are not well understood, but several of its relatives have been examined, and it was discovered that they occasionally engage in monogamy. They twist their tails and bob their heads during their mating ritual until they find a spouse. 

Involvement and use

The big seahorse is used in aquariums and as a medicine, like many other seahorse species. Due to its size and poor ability to compete with other species for food, it is one of the more difficult varieties to acquire and care for, frequently dying young. The great seahorse’s therapeutic uses in China and other east Asian nations are one of the main reasons it is being freed from captivity. Its availability on the market has grown recently, and it is supposed to help with issues like impotence. The great seahorse is utilized in personal aquariums and for medical purposes, in addition to being sold dried as a memento.


Great Seahorse table

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