Education Moore Exotics


Great Anglehead Lizard

Great Anglehead lizard


Scientific name: Gonocephalus grandis    

Life span: Unknown

Colored a vivid green with blue flanks and light yellow dots. Females and young animals are less colorful, although they are marked with stripes and other brown-hued markings.

Great-Anglehead lizard

Native Region/Habitat

Peninsular Malaysia, Southern Thailand (which includes larger islands like Penang and Tioman), Sumatra (which includes the Mentawai Islands), and Borneo are all home to the Great Anglehead Lizard. There are also reports of a distinct population in southern Vietnam and Laos.


These arboreal lizards are quick to dip into water to flee danger since they inhabit riparian settings. They are watchful and swiftly moving during the day, but at night, they sleep in vegetation like many other diurnal rainforest lizards, making them quite simple to locate and approach.


great anglehead lizard table

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