Education Moore Exotics


Golf Ball Cactus

Golf Ball Cactus.


South of Pozos, Guanajuato, Mexico (Calera and  road from Pozos to San Jose Iturbide) at 50 or more km from the habitat of M. herrerae. Loss of habitat and illegal collecting pose threats to it. Over 95% of the species’ population was illegally gathered or sold over a 20-year span.

Golf Ball Cactus


It is a little cactus that is often spherical or cylindrical, solitary, and (clusters of stems can be seen in cultivation)


The spines cover the somewhat cylindrical, slender stem, which is 2 cm broad and 5-7 cm high. Without latex, the stem and tubercles. Axilla is not covered.


White, fine, interlacing, 60–80 radial spines (as opposed to 100–plus in M. herrerae). without central spines.




White, 3,5-cm-long and broad, flower (rarely with a pinkish flush when grown in full sun). April to May is the European flowering season.


Whitish and maintained inside the plant’s spines rather than inside the actual plant.

Seeds are Black.


The growing season only calls for a small amount of fertilizer for golf ball cacti. Fertilization should take place 1-2 times each year. Golf ball cacti are advised to be fertilized in the spring and fall, but not in the winter and summer when they are dormant.

Own a Plant:

Although this plant is not renowned for being simple to grow, it does not have any trouble expanding when given the right circumstances and great ventilation. Overwatering is very harmful to it. An open mineral potting soil and careful watering are therefore essential. The potting mixture should not contain peat or other humus sources, and ultimately some limestone should be added. can be delicate to frost, yet they are hardy to –5 °C if dry. To bloom successfully and to its best potential, it needs the most sun exposure. Flowering and long-term survival are encouraged by a winter rest that permits the plant to shrink (perhaps losing up to 25% of its summer height). Take care to promote sluggish growth. Ensure excellent ventilation.


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