Education Moore Exotics


Goldenrod Soldier Beetle


A kind of soldier beetle is called the goldenrod soldier beetle (Chauliognathus pensylvanicus) (Cantharidae). Goldenrod soldier beetles, also referred to as Pennsylvania leatherwing beetles, are beneficial pollinators and pest-predators in gardens.


The soldier beetle species is one of the most prevalent in the Midwest and is endemic to North America. The majority of the United States and Florida both have goldenrod soldier beetles.


Their peak numbers coincide exactly with the blossoming of goldenrod in the late summer and early fall. These common beetles favor sunny areas with plenty of nectar supplies, like fields, gardens, and roadside vegetation.


It has been determined that C. pensylvanicus is a crucial prairie onion pollinator.


Adult army beetles in addition to nectar and pollen also eat aphids, caterpillars, and other insect eggs. 


Goldenrod-Soldier Beetle


  • The 12-inch long goldenrod soldier beetles have a stunning burnt orange color with black accents. (What beautiful autumnal hues!)
  • They have two black dots on their thorax and wings, and their head, legs, and body are all entirely black. 
  • They look like they’re wearing small tailcoats because the base of their wings create an inverted “V” and they don’t quite cover the tip of their abdomen. 
  • Soldier beetles are known as “leatherwings” because, in contrast to most beetles, which have hard wing covers (elytra), they have soft elytra.

Life Cycle

Due to their entire metamorphosis, goldenrod soldier beetles have four life stages: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. Adult females lay their eggs in the ground or in leaf litter after mating. The larvae are dark in colour and have short, thick hairs covering them. The larvae are particularly advantageous to keep around since they are voracious predators that eat soft-bodied insects like aphids and caterpillars as well as grasshopper eggs. In decaying logs or leaf litter, larvae overwinter as pupae before emerging as adults in the summer.

Is the Goldenrod Soldier Beetle dangerous to people?

Goldenrod soldier beetles do not harm plants and are harmless to people, despite the fact that they frequently appear in enormous numbers.

Why do they keep them as pets?

Soldier beetles are fleeting insects that must be put outside in a garden with lots of flowers. Many farmers utilize soldier beetles to protect their crops from harmful pests and insects.


goldenrod soldier beetle table

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