Education Moore Exotics


Golden Oyster Mushroom

Golden oyster mushroom

Scientific name 

Pleurotus citrinopileatus


The golden oyster mushroom is a stunning yellow color. They are also known as the yellow oyster or, in Japanese, tamgitake. These mushrooms have a small, semicircular, and petal-like cap that is about 5- 6 cm in diameter. The cap is bright yellow on the upper edge, which becomes flat, and convex when immature. the edge of the cap becomes wavy with age. the underside of the cap contains gills that are white in color.  They have a short white stem that is asymmetrically positioned. 

The fruit body of golden oyster mushrooms has velvety, dry surfaces and develops in clusters of brilliant yellow-golden brown caps. Their flesh is white and paper-thin, has a moderate flavor, and has no overpowering aroma. The stems are around 20–50 mm in length and 2–8 mm in diameter. The stems are cylindrical and white in color and are sometimes twisted or curled. the gills are white, tightly spaced, and extend down the stem. Their spores are smooth, amyloid, hyaline, and elliptical in form. These mushrooms have a wine-like taste and smell.

Golden oyster mushroom.


The golden oyster mushrooms are native to China, Russia, and Japan. They are mostly found in hardwoods, warm climate areas, beech, oaks, and elms.


The golden oyster mushroom can also yield enormous crops, is extremely simple to grow, and will grow on a variety of substrate types. Unfortunately, due to its short shelf life and the ease with which the mushrooms split, the golden oyster is nearly never commercially accessible fresh. This mushroom is an excellent source of antioxidant activities. Studies on P. citrinopileatus extracts have shown that they have antihyperglycemic effects, lowering blood glucose levels in diabetic rats. They are also being investigated as a potential source of lipid-lowering medications; the related oyster mushroom P. ostreatus has been shown to contain lovastatin, which lowers cholesterol.


Golden oyster mushroom table

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