Education Moore Exotics


Golden Apple


In the same genus as breadfruit and jackfruit is a species of tree known as Artocarpus integer, often referred to as chempedak, golden apple, or cempedak. Southeast Asia is its natural habitat. This plant has the potential to be used in various regions and is a significant crop in Malaysia. It is also widely grown in southern Thailand and some regions of Indonesia. Large, evergreen trees are known as Artocarpus integer trees. Although most only grow to a height of 12 metres, they can grow to a height of 20 metres. Male and female flowers develop on the same tree in monoecious plants. Although few are named, there are numerous variations. Once or twice a year, the rapidly expanding tree can produce significant crops of fruit.

A plant endemic to the lowland humid tropics that thrives at elevations lower than 1,200 metres is only ever found in areas without a distinct dry season.


Temperature and Rainfall

It can endure temperatures between 16 and 47°C but thrives in environments with yearly daytime temperatures between 22 and 38°C. It tolerates rainfall between 1,250 and 4,500mm but prefers a mean annual rainfall between 2,200 and 3,500mm.

Light and Soil

Prefers a rich, deep soil with good drainage. While young plants require some shade, as they mature they require more light.

Water and pH

It prefers a fairly high water table, although it can withstand occasional floods even in marsh water that is acidic. Prefers a pH between 4.5 and 6, but will also tolerate 4 and 6.5.


It is advised to fertilize twice a year, once before the rainy season begins and once before it ends. In the Philippines and Peninsular Malaysia, the recommended rates range from 1 kg to 2 kg of compound fertilizer per application per tree.


golden-apple table

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