Education Moore Exotics


Gold Nugget Pleco



Gold Nugget Plecos can grow up to at least 11 inches in length.

Physical Characteristics and Behavior

The body and fins of the olive to black suckermouth catfish, Gold Nugget Pleco, are covered with tiny gold spots. The dorsal and caudal fins have a golden edge. Due to its distinctive patterning, this catfish is in high demand in the aquarium market at pet stores. The beauty of mature Gold Nugget Plecos is breathtaking. This species’ peaceful nature makes it appropriate for community aquariums. It may, however, be quite possessive of those of its kind. They should be kept alone or in pairs to avoid territorial disputes.

Keeping and Care as Pet

Gold nugget pleco

  • Water Conditions

These fish are native to a water environment where the pH should be between 6.5 and 7.5 and the ideal water temperature is between 25 and 30 degrees Celsius (77 and 86 degrees Fahrenheit).

  • Diet

A combination of plant-based and animal-based foods makes up a balanced and diversified diet. Remain largely vegetarian by choosing healthy vegetables (spinach, peas, lettuce, and zucchini). To prevent these from floating around the tank, you can secure them in place using a veggie clip. Place the veggie clip towards the bottom right before the lights go dark if your gold nugget pleco prefers to feed at night and is too shy to do so during the day. These fish do consume modest amounts of animal protein, though. This implies that offerings of brine shrimp, bloodworms, and other invertebrate-based food should be part of a balanced diet! For the first few weeks, they could be fussy eaters, so keep that in mind. especially if they are brand-new additions to your neighbourhood pet store. This is due to the fact that all gold nugget plecos are wild fish.

When they are transported from Amazon river tributaries to distributors and warehouses to your pet store and then your home, they must experience a great deal of stress. They’ll probably need to make adjustments to the ongoing alterations brought on by every new tank.

  • Tank mates

Your gold nugget pleco may on occasion attempt to attach itself to sizable, sluggish fish like discus. Unfortunately, many plecos like robbing tranquil, slowly moving fish of their mucus. Particularly if your gold nuggets are well-fed, it’s not very frequent. However, if you do, regard it as an indication that you should provide extra food. And in the worst-case situation, you might have to relocate some aquarium fish to a new environment.

The only serious issues you can encounter are when you share gold nuggets with other bottom dwellers. The desire of many other catfish to share the same hiding places might lead to competition over territory. Other species that inhabit the bottom, such as loaches, cichlids, and eels, occasionally engage in conflict. But in a large, well-hidden tank, these should be few and far between. The ideal choice is to keep fish that won’t compete with your golden nugget pleco for room along the bottom of the tank.

  • The Aquarium Setup

The gold nugget pleco is a sizable fish, though not as sizable as some other freshwater fish. As a result, a single adult would require an aquarium with a tank capacity of about 40 gallons.

A 10-inch catfish shouldn’t feel overly crowded in an aquarium, so you don’t need an enormous tank. However, a bigger tank is really helpful since these fish eat and excrete a lot!

Additionally, you will need extra room if you plan to keep gold nugget pleco baryancistrus with other fish in the same tank. Unfortunately, when it comes to acquiring a nice hiding area, this plecostomus species can be extremely possessive toward other fish. Although gold nugget plecos cannot bite, they will flash their huge pectoral fins as a sign of aggression and will push other fish away if they feel that their personal space is being invaded. Otherwise, especially with a large tank size, they are quite good at keeping to themselves.

You don’t need a lot of additional swimming room because gold nugget plecos don’t have a particularly active lifestyle. In actuality, these bashful fish like a lot of vegetation, debris, and hiding spots.


gold nugget pleco table

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