Education Moore Exotics


Gloucestershire Old Spots

Gloucestershire Old Spots


For adult boars, 272 kilograms, and for sows, 227 kg.


White color with distinct black dots.

Physical Appearance

A breed with lop ears and a dual purpose, the Gloucester Old Spot. A medium-sized pig with a slightly deviated nose and broad loins that fill out nicely from the ribs to the hams. On its light skin, it bears big, erratic black patches that remain as scars once the bristles are removed.

Characteristics and Genetics

The Gloucestershire Old Spot is an English breed of pig that has black spots on much of its white fur. It has the name of the Gloucestershire county. The docile, perceptive, productive, and hardy Gloucestershire Old Spots pig is renowned for. The Old Spots is being used in the UK to try to recreate the extinct Cumberland pig since both its genetic makeup and characteristics are close to that of the animal.

A European pig breed known as the Gloucestershire Old Spot was developed to be a self-sufficient grazer that drank milk and consumed supplements from orchards, gardens, and dairies.


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