Education Moore Exotics


Glass Catfish



Normal lengths often only measure 6.5 cm (2.6 in) in total length, yet they can be as long as 8 cm (3.1 in).

Physical Characteristics

The catfish in question is translucent and has two long barbels. They are translucent because they lack body color and are scaleless, like all catfish in the genus Kryptopterus. Their heart may be seen beating with a magnifying lens, and the majority of its internal organs are situated close to the head. The hue of the fish can turn into an iridescent rainbow when the light hits it just so.


Also, glass catfish are quite calm. These are fish that desire to keep to themselves and not cause issues with any other animals in the tank, despite the fact that they are extremely active.


The glass catfish is confined to a small area of Thailand’s coastal drainages and is most frequently found in streams and rivers. It can be found in still, slow-moving waters, many of which have acidic or dark-colored water. Yet, it can also be found in areas where water flows freely and is not blackwater.

Keeping as Pet

Glass Catfish

  • Tank Size

Tanks with a minimum volume of 30 gallons are ideal for glass catfish. This presupposes that you have roughly 5 of them in the same tank because they don’t do well when kept alone (we’ll cover it in more detail in the tank mates section).

They can comfortably swim around in this tank while also enjoying the important social interaction and safety that a school offers. We do not advise choosing a smaller tank because you would have to keep fewer of them together (which comes with other disadvantages). They can comfortably swim around in this tank while also enjoying the important social interaction and safety that a school offers. We do not advise choosing a smaller tank because you would have to keep fewer of them together (which comes with other disadvantages).

  • Water Parameters

You must be well-versed in these fish in general and comfortable making quick level adjustments in order to accomplish this. Although at first it could seem difficult, with practice you’ll become more adept at it.

It could be a good idea to try keeping some resilient fish for a while longer if you don’t feel ready for that just yet. This is a safe technique to practice level maintenance and adjustment.

Water temperature: 77°F is the ideal range, however keep it between 75°F and 80°F at all times.

pH values: 6.5

Hardness of water: 8–10 dGH

  • Feeding

The diet of captive glass catfish should be as similar to that of the wild as feasible. To establish a balanced diet, this will be done using a variety of food sources. You should start by providing them a robust flake or pellet diet, which you should do every day. Their diet will be based on this meal, which will also guarantee that they are receiving all of the necessary nutrients.

Brine shrimp, bloodworms, and daphnia are a few high-protein sources that are excellent complements. You shouldn’t feed your ghost catfish this too frequently, but once or twice a week should be OK.

  • Tank mates

To get you started, consider these excellent glass catfish tank companions:

  • Cory catfish
  • Swordtails
  • Molly fish
  • Kuhli Loach


glass catfish table

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