Education Moore Exotics


Giant Leopard Moth



Scientific Name: Ecpantheria scribonia

Giant Leopard Moths are so named because of their leopard-like markings. It was earlier called Ecpantheria scribonia that has now been changed. Various names for this moth include Eyed Tiger Moth and Great Leopard Moth.

Giant leopard moths are large beautiful white and simple to recognise. There are numerous black dots on the forewings, many of which have hollow (white) centers. In the light, some of the dark markings glow blue. The inner border of the hindwing’s black shading bears dots at the outer tip.


They are a common moth found throughout the eastern and southern regions of the country, from New England to Mexico.

They frequently visit various forests with host plants, which the caterpillars extensively graze on. They can be found in parks, gardens, farms, and woodland places.



They consume a variety of plants with broad leaves during the caterpillar stage, including violets, honeysuckles, broadleaf plantains, magnolias, citrus, lilacs, and dandelions.


The caterpillars move away from their food sources and settle down in a protected area where they hibernate until spring arrives.

Adults venture outside at night because they are nocturnal; they are not visible during the day.

As Pets

You can easily keep them as pets. Some of these conditions are to be ensured for petting them:


Create a large pot with grass, twigs, and leaves, then make holes in the surface before covering it with a plastic sheet. This will enable the eggs to transform from a caterpillar into a chrysalis.


Put fresh leaves that the caterpillar eats. For easy feeding, try to know about the host plants.


You can put the jar in the garden or on the balcony to give it access to natural environments.



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