Education Moore Exotics


Ghost Orchid


Dendrophylax lindenii is a rare orchid that is mostly found in wet, marshy regions of Florida, the Bahamas, and Cuba. Due to the strangely shaped frog-like ghost orchid blossoms, ghost orchid plants are also known as white frog orchids.

Ghost orchid flowers have white, otherworldly blooms that give them a sinister air. The plants’ absence of foliage gives the impression that they are hanging in midair as they cling to tree trunks with a few roots.



Although plants like enough moisture, ghost orchids can endure moderate drought. In order to maintain the substrate moist, it is advisable to water once per week during the summer growing season and once every 10 days during the autumn and winter. Mist the air to keep it moist, especially in dry weather. It favors water with a pH that is neutral. Store tap or rainwater for a while before using it for irrigation to neutralize it. This may cause dissolved CO2 and other materials in the water to be released.


To minimize wasteful nutrient consumption and encourage new blooms, it is advisable to prune wilted ghost orchid blossoms right away after they have bloomed. To improve airflow and decrease pests and diseases, quickly trim wilted and unhealthy leaves.

Temperature and Humidity

Tropical and subtropical locations are home to orchid plants, which enjoy warm, humid conditions. It is best if there is some fluctuation in temperature between day and night, such as 20 to 25 °C during the day and 15 to 18 °C at night. Optimal growth temperatures range from 18 to 28 °C. Although the ghost orchid can withstand drought, it cannot withstand standing water. It thrives at humidity levels between 50 and 70%. Leaf tips that have wilted indicate an excessively dry climate. To raise the atmospheric humidity, use a spray bottle or humidifier.


The ghost orchid doesn’t require a lot of fertilizer. After sprouting in the spring, fertilize every 10 days or so with a nitrogen-rich fertilizer (N-P-K = 30- 10-10) to encourage growth. Change to a balanced fertilizer (N-P-K = 20-20-20) at the start of the summer. A fertilizer high in phosphorus can be used to encourage autumn blossoming.


Full sun is ideal for ghost orchids. Give it plenty of light, but avoid direct sunshine, by planting it there. Give it more sunlight each day than six hours. Keep in mind that poor quality lighting can cause blooms to be decreased or absent.


ghost-orchid table

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