Education Moore Exotics


Ghost Corn Snake



Scientific name: Elaphe guttata   

Life span: 10-20 years

Ghost Corn Snakes have distinctive looks. They don’t have the typical reds and oranges that other corn snakes have. Ghost Corn Snakes, on the other hand, typically have gray and brown patterns. Color can, however, differ significantly amongst specimens. Some come out as a milder tan and white, while others are significantly deeper and contain various colors of gray. Others combine muted tans and grays, creating a pretty varied assortment of snakes with the same morph.

ghost-corn snake

Native Region/Habitat

These snakes can be found living in wooded groves, rocky hillsides, meadows, woodlots, rocky open spaces, tropical hammocks, barns, and abandoned structures. After biting their victim to secure a firm grasp, these constrictors immediately coil themselves around their prey and squeeze until the prey is subdued.


The majority of the time, corn snakes are diurnal, or active throughout the day. Ghost Corn Snakes are well renowned for being manageable. They handle handling well and for extended periods of time. Naturally, your snake will need to become accustomed to handling and develop trust in you, but if you handle it frequently from a young age on, your snake will be simple to handle for the rest of its days.

Care As a pet/In captivity:

Since corn snakes are more docile than many other snake species, they are simpler to handle. They don’t require the same amount of space as certain snakes because they also prefer to stay fairly little. In particular, the Ghost Corn Snake is a stunning sight to witness, making it a very entertaining pet to own if you value such things.

  • A 30-gallon tank is the very minimum amount required for an adult corn snake because they tend to remain smaller than many snake species used as pets.
  • In order to give your snake a temperature gradient so that it can control its own body temperature, you’ll need to provide a hot basking region and a cool area on the opposite side of the tank. Temperatures should continue to be on the cool side, at 75 degrees F. With an ambient air temperature of 80 to 85 degrees F, the surface temperature of the basking area should be around 90 degrees F. It should continue to be humid, which is about usual for most homes anyhow, at 40% to 50%.
  • Young snakes only eat once every two to three weeks. Just every two to three weeks do adults need to eat. Even adults will usually survive on adult or gigantic mice because corn snakes rarely grow large enough to switch to rats.


ghost corn snake table

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