Education Moore Exotics





Scientific name: Genetta genetta

Life span: 13- 20 years in captivity

Genets are very attractive exotic species because of their patterns. They are tall and have a body length of 41- 59 cm with a tail length of 40–55 cm. Tails also have white and black bands. Their total body weight is about 1-2 kg. Genets have long and slim legs with retractable claws. They have pointed noses and round-shaped ears. The fur color is pale-yellowish in color having a dark spot that sometimes merged together to form stripes. 

Native Region/Habitat

The genet is native to Africa, and Southern Europe. They are mostly found in bushes, trees, and grassland.

As Pet



Genets are solitary animals. They are not interactive animals. Genets may resemble bigger, affectionate, and more entertaining ferrets, but they often fight confinement and handling. Genets are nimble climbers that resemble squirrels and have long tails with retractable claws. Additionally, genets are territorial in nature. When you have your genet spayed or neutered, an expert exotics veterinarian can remove their smell glands. If you attempt to clean up every spot they marked at once, they will start marking their cages on a regular basis and grow upset.


The ideal choice is a huge cage that already has levels for animals to climb and close-spaced bars to prevent animals from escaping. A genet can get its entire body out of a situation if its head can fit through it. Only keep the genet in a cage when they are not supervised. Otherwise, it will require daily supervision during at least 3 hours of playing outside the cage. They frequently jump to high platforms to look about since they are adept jumpers and climbers. For them to run and jump safely, they require room.


genet table

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