Education Moore Exotics




Because of its fragrant blossoms, gardenia (Gardenia jasminoides), a tropical broadleaf evergreen shrub, is frequently grown as a sizable indoor houseplant. In actuality, there aren’t many natural aromas that are as potent and enduring as the aroma of this prized plant. Actually, China and Japan are where the gardenia is native. The bushy plants can grow up to 8 feet tall, while some types are smaller. Although some types bloom again in the fall, long-lasting blooms primarily appear in spring and summer. Actually, China and Japan are where the gardenia is native. The bushy plants can grow up to 8 feet tall, while some types are smaller. Although some types bloom again in the fall, long-lasting blooms primarily appear in spring and summer. They have glossy, robust foliage and creamy white blooms.




Gardenias in pots inside the home prefer bright light, but not direct sunshine, particularly in the summer. The ideal location for them is a window that receives afternoon shade. The greatest place to plant garden gardenias is in a somewhat shaded area. Here, some sunlight combined with afternoon shadow works wonderfully.


Gardenias are acid-loving plants and favour pH-lower soil. Conventional potting mixtures with a peat foundation typically meet this requirement. It’s best to check the pH of the soil before planting outdoors and make any necessary amendments. The pH of the soil may be lowered by adding a teaspoon of agricultural sulphur to the planting hole.


One inch of water each week is what Gardenia prefers (either by rain or by hand). The best irrigation method is drip irrigation since it prevents water from getting on the leaves, which might result in fungus-induced leaf spots. Winter watering should be minimized, and the soil should only be kept just damp enough to the touch. Gardenia plants in pots respond well to this winter watering technique.

Temperature and Humidity

Gardenia needs conditions with temperatures over 60 °F and no chilly draughts. Additionally, this plant demands a high humidity level of around 60%. During a cold, dry winter, indoor plants may need the use of a humidifier or continuous misting to maintain the right


Garden gardenias should be fertilized with an acid-rich fertilizer twice a year, in mid-March and late June. Always mix the fertilizer into the soil directly or dilute it with water according to the product’s recommended proportions. It’s preferable to use a little less than the suggested dosage to prevent over fertilization. In the fall, stop feeding your gardenias to stop new growth before dormancy.

Container plants can be fertilized with an acidifying fertilizer similar to that used on azaleas or camellias every three weeks or so. Organic gardeners favour bone meal, blood meal, or fish emulsion. Check the product instructions for dosage advice and perform routine pH soil tests.


After the plants have finished blooming, prune the gardenias by trimming away any untidy branches and faded blossoms. However, this species of gardenia tolerates an every-other-year cutback quite fine, so there is no need to prune gardenias every season. Use precise garden shears to shape back both the green and brown wood during pruning. Both new and old wood can be cut because gardenias can set buds on both types of wood.

Potting and Repotting Gardenia

Gardenias demand high-quality, peat-based potting soil with a low pH when grown in containers, much like rhododendrons do. The optimum time to repot gardenias is in the spring when they are starting to emerge from their winter hibernation. Check to see whether your plant is root-bound to discover if it has to be replanted (roots may be sticking out of the soil). If your plant appears less vivid but is free of insects or diseases, you can also re-pot it. Always use a larger pot size and a terracotta or natural stone container. Both substances’ permeable walls enable moisture to evaporate.


gardenia table

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