Education Moore Exotics


Full-Platinum Albino Guppy

Full-Platinum Albino Guppy


Full Platinum Albino Guppy measuring about 3–4 cm (Poecilia reticulata).

Physical Characteristics and Behavior 

This guppy has iridescent skin that is sparkling white with flashes of blue, pink, and yellow. Females are less colorful than males. The females of this specific variety, however, are quite colorful. The dorsal fin and long, sweeping lines of this fish’s tail add to its elegant appearance. This fish is so alluring that it might easily take center stage in any fish tank. As long as the other fish are peaceful and won’t attack the guppy’s long tail, they can coexist in aquariums with other fish.

Keeping as Pet

Full-Platinum Albino Guppies

  • Tank Size and Water Conditions

 Their suggested tank specs are: Tank size minimum is 10 gallons, water temperature is 64°F to 82°F (18°C to 27.7°C), water pH is 5.5 to 8.0, and KH is 10 to 30 dKH.

  • Substrate

Sand is the ideal substrate for them. Both filth and uneaten food are simple to remove. Additionally, it is simple to replace. However, if your tastes differ from mine, you can also use bigger rocks, gravel, and broken coral. You must bear in mind that substrates, such as coral, have the power to affect the pH of the water in your aquarium. Additionally, avoid using surfaces with sharp edges. It can harm the bodies and tails of your guppy fish.

  • Lighting

Any type of illumination is available for you to select. But while choosing this, try to pick a lighting setup that can resemble the natural lighting setup for guppies. because they can flourish more effectively in environments with natural illumination. Natural day and night cycles and the whole spectrum of light are defined by the lighting conditions. However, it is sufficient for your koi guppies if you put the tank in a room with natural light.

  • Plants and Decorations

To house your aquarium, you can choose any decor. They prefer hiding plants and decorations because they are prey fish. The ferns, java moss, and water sprite are the greatest living plants for the guppy tanks. Such living aquatic plants provide hiding places for your guppy. Also beneficial are artificial plants. However, stay away from plants with pointed edges. since it might harm your guppy. PVC tubing and fake caves are further options.

  • Filtration System

They often don’t generate much bioload. However, it is preferable to set up a reliable filter system in your guppy tank. It makes cleaning your tank easier. The ideal filter for beginners is a power filter because of how simple they are to use. For a 10-gallon tank, it is often advised to use a filter with a circulation rate of 50 gallons per hour.

  • Diet

Omnivores include koi guppies. because they consume algae as well as plant and animal debris. Your koi guppy doesn’t have a picky palate. They consume whatever you give them. However, you should provide them with the nutrition they need to grow into a strong and content fish. You can give your koi guppy flakes and pellets to eat. You ought to select foods high in protein. However, you should stay away from flakes that contain soy and wheat as fillers. Additionally, live and frozen feeds like brine shrimp, mosquito larvae, and blood worms can be added.

They devour plant materials as well. Fresh veggies in tiny portions, such the following, can be given:

  • Lettuce 
  • Cucumber 
  • Peas 
  • Tomatoes 
  • Spinach

The one essential aspect is that you shouldn’t feed your koi guppy only one kind of food. because it results in a lack of nutrients. Always make an effort to feed your koi guppies a balanced diet.


Full-platinum albino guppy table

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