Education Moore Exotics


French Angelfish

French Angelfish


Adult French angelfish rarely exceed 16 inches in length, yet they can reach a stunning 24 inches (61 cm) in length (40 cm). Sexual maturity is indicated by a size 10 inch.

Physical characteristics and behavior

A Pomacanthus paru has a flat, oval body and a dorsal fin distinguished by a bright yellow edge and filament. Their bodies range from dark to black, with dazzling yellow scale borders. They have yellow bodies with white pectoral fins, white lips, and white eyes. These monogamous mating couples of angelfish fiercely guard their domain. They are tasty aquarium fish that can endure difficult circumstances and are even sometimes used as a source of protein.

Care When Keeping as Pet

French Angelfish

  • Care of Aquariums

For this fish, a sizable tank is essential. If the water quality is good, frequent water changes are not required. Normal water changes, which vary depending on the number of fish and the tank size, are acceptable at 15% every two weeks or 30% every month. Maintain steady and high water parameters. Large-scale sudden water changes might be problematic. Do routine water changes of 15% every two weeks or 30% every month.

  • Setup of an aquarium

180 gallons (681 litres) is the bare minimum that these fish require, but 250 to 300 gallons (950 to 1135 litres) is optimal. They can swim at any level, so make sure the tank has some open spaces where they can spin around and swim. Give it a lot of living rock so it has somewhere to hide and forage. Create caves out of the rock so they may hide even as adults and feel safe. Fish in smaller tanks may live shorter lives and develop personalities that are more aggressive. A recognized male-female pair would require a tank that is at least 250 to 300 gallons in size (950 – 1135 l). The same is true if you house big angelfish together.

Make sure the lighting is strong enough to support the growth of algae on the rocks, and consider placing the tank such that it receives at least some daytime sunshine. For the purpose of processing the vitamins they consume, these angelfish require sunlight or a light that simulates sunlight. Without it, blindness and other deficiency-related illnesses are possible.

  • 180 gal. minimum tank size (681 L) – A male/female pair or other large angelfish must be kept in a tank that is 250 to 300 gallons (950 to 1135 l) or larger.
  • Appropriate for Nano Tank: Not a Live Rock Condition: Typical Plus Hiding Spots – To make the angelfish feel safe, hiding spots are required.
  • Any Substrate Type
  • Lighting Requirements: Moderate – Normal Lighting – It can be kept in a tank with dark lighting or in the sun, although normal lighting is preferable. They require lighting for both their health and to grow algal crops on live rock.
  • Temperature: 21.1 to 27.8 °C (70.0 to 82.0 °F)
  • Breeding Level: 0.0° F
  • Specific gravity: between 1.019 and 1.024 SG
  • pH: 8.1 to 8.4
  • Brackish: No
  • Water movement: Any
  • Water Region: All – Because they swim at all levels, make sure the tank has room for them to spin around and swim.


french angelfish table

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