Education Moore Exotics


Flying Squirrel



Due to their inability to do powered flight like a bird or a bat can, flying squirrels are maybe better referred to as “gliding squirrels”. Squirrels that fly glide. They can glide between trees because to a unique membrane that separates their front and back legs. A flying squirrel launches itself from a high branch and extends its limbs so the gliding membrane is visible when it wants to fly to another tree without hitting the ground. When it arrives at its goal, the tail serves as a brake. It steers with small leg movements. In a single glide, flying squirrels can travel more than 150 feet.


Flying squirrels are entertaining, inquisitive, and active; they form strong bonds with people they have known from birth. Coniferous and deciduous woodlands and forests are the habitat of flying squirrels. To stay warm throughout the winter, several squirrels will occasionally build a communal nest.


The night is when flying squirrels are most active. Normally found alone or in small family groups, they gather in communal nests of 10 to 20 animals during the winter months in the northern regions of their habitat. They gather and cuddle in big nests, possibly to stay warm.

As Pet



Despite their small size, flying squirrels require a cage that allows them to move around freely. Your clever little rat needs a cage (preferably an aviary) that is at least 5 feet high so that it may climb comfortably. Don’t forget to plant multiple tree branches, preferably conifers, to mimic the environment as nearly as possible. You might also purchase a cage designed for sugar gliders, but make sure the mesh spacing is kept to a maximum of 1 inch. Install a nesting box on top of the cage as well so it may curl up and sleep there. Finally, fill the cage’s bottom with rodent-friendly litter.


Flying squirrels eat fruits, nuts, seeds, and insects in their natural habitat. They thrive on a variety of foods in captivity, such as: Sunflower seeds, Pecans, Nuts, Pumpkin seeds, Tassels, Birdseed mixtures, Hamster pellets, A variety of fresh vegetables, fruits and Mealworms.

In the morning and evening, provide the equivalent of around a tablespoon of food. Since squirrels are foragers, you can set a few tiny cups of food in locations where you are certain they don’t frequently urinate. After 12 hours, throw away any leftovers. You can occasionally add chicken or hard-boiled eggs to their meal to boost the amount of protein they consume. Additionally, southern flying squirrels enjoy eating moths.


Since flying squirrels are active year-round, they do not require hibernation throughout the winter like other North American species do. However, because they are mostly nocturnal, they will be more animated and lively at night. Carry your animal with you in its pouch during the day to deepen your connection and accustom it to being around you.


flying-squirrel table

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