Education Moore Exotics


Florida Kingsnake

Florida Kingsnakes


Scientific name: Lampropeltis meansi/ Lampropeltis getula floridana  

Life span: 20+ years

The majority of mature Florida Kingsnakes have a total length of 36 to 48 inches (90 to 122 cm). The colors of these snakes range from brown to yellow. They feature a degenerate chain-like pattern along the sides and about 40 yellowish crossbands down the back. Over age, the scales between the crossbands become lighter.

Native Region/Habitat

Florida Kingsnakes are thought to originate from Key Largo in the Florida Keys and can be found all throughout the Florida peninsula south of a line drawn from Taylor County to Duval County.



Captive-bred Florida kingsnakes are normally calm and amenable to moderate handling over time. Although they are not harmful to people or animals, kingsnakes do occasionally bite in self-defense. These snakes stay far away from people and animals. Almost all bites happen when people purposely annoy snakes.

Small mammals, birds and their eggs, amphibians, lizards, turtles and their eggs, and other snakes, including venomous snakes and other kingsnakes, are among the diverse prey items consumed by Florida Kingsnakes. Reptiles and their eggs appear to be their favourite prey.

Care As a pet/In captivity:

Enclosure: For young King Snakes, use a 10 gallon terrarium; for adults, a 20 gallon terrarium. Make sure the snake’s enclosure is no longer than twice as long as it is. 

Temperature and Lighting: It should be between 75 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit. It is advised to use radiant heat. Place the main heat source, an under tank heater, at one end of a lengthy enclosure. King snakes require 8 to 12 hours of sunlight daily. To see snakes at night, use a red light.

Food and Water: Pinky mice are a common food source for baby king snakes. As it develops, the king snake can consume adult mice, fuzzy mice, and smaller rats. The best mice to feed your snake are those that have been frozen and then thawed, like those in Mack’s Natural Reptile Food Frozen Rodents. Wintertime reduces the appetite of the king snake. Always have a new dish of water available. King Snakes enjoy relaxing in the water, especially just before shedding.


Florida kingsnake table

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