Education Moore Exotics


Flat-Backed Milipede

Polydesmus angustus, sometimes referred to as the flat-backed millipede, is a species of millipede.

What do they look like?

This species has many legs and a long, flat, segmented body. It is approximately 2 cm long and orangey-brown in color. 

There are many hard to distinguish millipede species found in the UK. However, by examining the legs, can tell a centipede from a millipede apart. In contrast to centipedes, which only have one pair of legs per body segment, millipedes have two pairs.


What do they eat?

The majority of millipedes are herbivores who eat dead, ground-level vegetation. This species moves through the dirt and leaf litter in search of food using its flat body structure.

Where do these millipedes reside?

This species is widespread in the UK and can be found in a range of habitats. It spends the majority of its time hidden in the ground or behind leaf litter.

How do these millipedes reproduce?

The female lays her eggs in the ground after mating. Initially only having a few pairs of legs, the young gradually add more as they mature.

Where do millipede flat backs reside?

This species is widespread in the UK and can be found in a range of habitats. It spends the majority of its time hidden in the ground or behind leaf litter.

Why is it not kept as a pet mostly?

No, these flat-back millipedes wouldn’t make good pets because they prefer to live in leaf litter and rotted plant matter, which is their preferred habitat. They play a significant role in our ecosystem’s cycle.


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