Education Moore Exotics


Five Holes’ Plant

Five holes’ plant

Monstera Adansonii Mint is another uncommon and distinctive variegated monstera. It has various common names, just like its namesake, the Monstera Mint.

It should also be noted that the Monstera Adansonii Mint is also known as the Variegated Adansonii Mint. Some will call it Monstera Adansonii Indonesia or Adansonii Var. Indonesia.

It is, in essence, the Indonesian form.

Care Requirements

Five holes’ plant.


Monstera Adansonii Mint is a variegated plant with huge fenestrations and light green leaves. Furthermore, it is endemic to the tropical rainforest, where taller trees overhead filter the Sunlight.

This signifies that the plant requires direct, strong light. It also cannot withstand extended exposure to bright light or direct sunlight. It will also struggle with the other extreme, which is extremely low light.


The Monstera Adansonii Mint’s tropical nature affects its temperature preference. It enjoys mild to warm temperatures, but may tolerate high temperatures as well. On the other hand, it is not suitable for cold and frigid conditions.

This implies that its optimal temperature range is between 65 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit, making it great for houses.

As a result, it will not withstand the winter snow. Instead, if you reside in USDA Hardiness Zones 9 to 12, you may keep it outside all year.


60% or greater humidity is ideal for your Monstera Adansonii Mint. It will also enjoy 90% humidity, so you won’t have to worry about it being too hot.

However, because the weather in Central and South America is usually hot and humid, the plant does not tolerate dry air.


It is the most difficult aspect of caring for your Monstera Adansonii Mint. Keeping the soil hydrated during the warmer months is critical.

This is due to the plant’s sensitivity to too much water. And soaking the roots in water for an extended length of time might cause root rot.

As a result, remaining dry is preferable.

The ideal method is to wait until the top 2 inches of soil are dry before adding extra water. You might also be extra cautious and wait until the soil is 50% dry before watering again.

Also, while watering the plant, water well and let it drain fully.


The Monstera standleyana responds favourably to typical indoor plant fertilizer. You can always dilute fertilizer if you’re concerned about it being too much. You should fertilize your plant once a month in the summer. However, avoid fertilizing over the winter.


five holes' plant table

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