Education Moore Exotics


Firefly Axolotl



Humans created firefly axolotls, which is how one might characterize them. Lloyd Strohl artificially created a colour morph. graphing of embryos. This approach is frequently employed in research to examine limb regeneration. The use of this technique to produce pets, however, is also the subject of ongoing debate.

The firefly axolotl is extremely uncommon because it is created in a lab. But if you enjoy gathering rare species, these axolotls can be the best option for you. Typically, they are darkly colored wild-type axolotls with a tail made of green fluorescent protein. That is because their body’s tail region lights brilliantly in the dark, rather like a firefly. Thus, this name more accurately defines them.

Aside from their distinctive colour, they share the same characteristics and shape as other varieties. Like every other axolotl, they have an ever-smiling face, a broad, spherical head, a body that resembles an eel, short legs, and external gills that resemble fins.

As Pet


Tank Setup

It’s not too difficult to set up the tank for a firefly axolotl. They are simple to maintain in the same manner as other axolotls. However, the tank layout must be more aesthetically pleasing so that their beauty can be properly complemented.

Size and Capacity

You don’t need to get a huge tank to take care of a firefly axolotl. In a 20–30 gallon tank, you may easily care for one or two species. Well, it is preferable to have the greatest amount of water in the tank. Since firefly axolotls are exclusively aquatic, you don’t need to add a lot of open area to the tank. But again check to make sure the lid is present. The lid of their tank should always be kept tightly covered to avoid these species from harming themselves by jumping out of the aquarium.

Water Parameters

The firefly axolotl can survive in a wide variety of aquatic conditions. Since they thrive in cold water environments, the water temperature must not be too high. It would be preferable if you kept the water between 60 and 65 degrees Fahrenheit. In addition, the pH of the water needs to be kept between 6.8 and 8.

Food & Diet

The nutritional requirements for the firefly variation are similar to those for other axolotl species. Since they are carnivores, their favourite foods to eat are insects, worms, tiny fish, and live or frozen food.

To keep them healthy, you could also give them Mysis prawns, frozen brine, lean beef heart, bloodworms, red wigglers, etc.


firefly-axolotl table

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