Education Moore Exotics


Fire Ant

fire ant

The majority of Solenopsis common names, such as ginger ants and tropical fire ants, refer to stinging ants. Due to their similar coloration and the fact that they do not belong to the genus Solenopsis, several of the names shared by this genus are frequently used synonymously to refer to other species of ants, such as the word red ant. Red ants are a frequent word for a variety of non-Solenopsis ants, including Myrmica rubra and Pogonomyrmex barbatus.


Mounds can range in height from 0 to 40 cm, but they can also be flat and resemble tiny areas of disturbed dirt. There are no clear entrances or exits on Mound. Generally discovered in open spaces like lawns, meadows, by the sides of roads, and in idle fields. Might be discovered close to or underneath other items (e.g. timber, logs, rocks, pavers, or bricks).


Like the bodies of all other typical mature insects, the three primary body sections of mature fire ants are the head, thorax, and abdomen. When compared to other ants that are naturally present, fire ants of those species that are invasive in the United States can be distinguished by their darker abdomen and copper-brown head. The worker ants range in size from 2 to 6 mm, and they are blackish to reddish (0.079 to 0.236 in). These many ant sizes are all present at once in an established nest.


Somme Information about workers, men, and queens

  • Queen

The fertile females in the colony of fire ants, or queens, are also often the biggest. Reproduction is their main purpose. A fire ant queen would typically try to found a new colony after a nuptial flight, using its unique venom to paralyse intruding rivals in the absence of workers for defence. Fire ant queens can generate up to 1,600 eggs per day, have a lifespan of up to seven years, and have colonies with up to 250,000 workers. The predicted life expectancy is between five and ten and six and nine months. Although young, virgin fire ant queens had wings, just like male fire ants, they frequently remove them after mating. However, a queen will occasionally retain her wings after mating and throughout the duration of her first year.

  • Males

Male fire ants mate with queens during a nuptial flight. A male that successfully fertilises a queen will not be accepted by the mother colony and will eventually die outside the nest.

  • Workers

The remaining positions in an ant colony are frequently filled by workers. The fire ant worker size groups minima, minor, media, and major are arbitrarily divided. The major ants are recognised by their larger size and more powerful mandibles that are often used in macerating and storing food items while smaller workers do regular activities (the main responsibilities in a colony include caring for the eggs/larvae/pupae, cleaning the nest, and seeking for food) (i.e., as repletes).



  • Potential to occupy the vast majority of Australia’s tropical north and key coastal regions
  • Devour small ground animals like insects, spiders, lizards, frogs, birds, and mammals with a ferocious appetite. could force out or eradicate some local species.
  • Eat and harm seeds, potentially resulting in significant environmental changes over time.


  • Mounds of fire ants can be a significant issue on lawns, playing fields, and golf courses.
  • Deteriorate delicate electrical equipment
  • Affect the export of goods to nations without fire ants and the tourism business.
  • Significantly impact the agricultural sector. Attack young animals, stinging in the area of the mouth, nose, and eyes, causing blindness and asphyxia.


Due to their inability to use backyards, parks, playgrounds, beaches, and sports fields, social fire ants can restrict common activities like picnics, outdoor play, and athletic competition.


  • Considering how swiftly they typically travel, fire ants can attack people in vast numbers without being seen.
  • Itching, burning, and discomfort from fire ant stings can linger for up to an hour.
  • Several stings give the impression that your body is on fire.


fire ant table

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