Education Moore Exotics


Filmy Dome Spider

filmy dome spider

The holarctic-distributed filmy dome spider (Neriene radiata) is a sheet weaver from the family Linyphiidae. These spiders build a dome out of fine spider silk and hang upside-down beneath it as they await a meal. The kleptoparasitic Argyrodes trigonum prefers it as a host.


One of Missouri’s most prevalent woodland spiders is the filmy dome spider. Although the spider is little, its snare web, which resembles an upside-down silk bowl—is noticeable all year long. A wide, dark-brown central band distinguishes this spider’s head, or carapace, with white outside margins. The unique brown mottled markings are prominent on the wide, high, and yellowish-white abdomen’s posterior end.

filmy dome-spider


Between 1/8 and 1/4 of an inch in length (not counting legs).


Commonly found in low, dense vegetation around dwellings, along woodland borders, and in woodlands. Rock outcroppings, walls, wood piles, and low, dense undergrowth in woodlands are all covered in the webs. Rarely do they inhabit wide spaces.


Small predators feed on small prey. This species consumes tiny insects that get caught in their webs, like mosquitoes and gnats. The spider is perched on the underside of the horizontally positioned web. The spider swiftly rips a hole in the web from below, drags the insect down, and binds it up when an insect lands on the web. The spider may protect itself from predators by hiding under the web.

Life Cycle

In our region, spiders typically emerge from their eggs in the spring and spend the growth season feeding, developing, mating, and laying eggs. Males are incapable of weaving webs; only females can. For as long as the weather cooperates, females continue to produce egg casings. Their metabolism slows down in the fall when temperatures drop, and they usually perish when it freezes. The spiderlings hatch in the spring from egg cases that overwinter.

Importance in Human Life

It would be simple to discount the significance of these little predators, but after being swarmed by the minuscule insects they feed on, including gnats and mosquitoes, you start to appreciate their function in keeping such critters in check.

Reason behind to kept as Pet

The filmy dome spider is safe to keep as a pet because they don’t have venom in their bodies. A filmy dome is the greatest pet for you if you feel at ease around spiders and want a pet that doesn’t require much attention because they always hang out in the corner and won’t bite you unless you irritate them.


filmy dome spider table

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