Education Moore Exotics


False Network Catfish



This fish can grow to a maximum length of 1.9 inches (4.9 centimeters).

Physical Characteristics and Behavior

A Corydoras sodalis can grow to a maximum length of 1.9 inches. They may tilt their eyes as though blinking. They are “facultative air breathers” who frequently venture to the water’s surface for a breath because of their highly vascularized gut, which allows them to take in atmospheric oxygen. Their aquarium needs a top and shouldn’t be overfilled because these fish can breathe air from their surroundings. This species needs particular handling and relocation techniques, including utilizing a plastic container rather than a net since the spines of Corydoras sodalis are so rigid that they may penetrate human flesh.

Care and Keeping as Pet

False network catfish

  • Water Conditions

To thrive, it needs water with a pH of 6.0 to 8.0 and a hardness of 2 to 25 dGH in a tropical climate with temperatures between 72 and 79 degrees Fahrenheit (22 and 26 degrees Celsius). It consumes a variety of foods, including benthic crustaceans, insects, worms, and plant debris.

  • Tank Setup

enjoys a planted tank and needs a substrate of sand or tiny pebbles. When a cory’s barbels become damaged from being kept on sharp or big stones, it will be difficult for it to find food.

As with other scaleless fish, corys are sensitive to salt, therefore introducing salt to the aquarium will hurt them.

  • Diet

Most food that sinks to the bottom of the tank will be consumed by these fish. Flake food or other sinking meals, such as catfish pellets, should be added to sinking algae pellets as a supplement. You should be aware that these fish have a carnivorous side and enjoy eating things like bloodworm and brine shrimp. Foods made of vegetables don’t provide much nutrients for them. Injured, dead, or even dying fish that remain on the substrate for an extended period of time will also be eaten. They are quite opportunistic! Since these fish are most active at night, one feeding just before darkness falls is usually plenty. Nevertheless, it is simple to get them to eat during the day. Due to their sluggish eating habits, they should be given at least 30 minutes to finish their meal.

  • Handling

Corydoras sodalis possesses hardened pectoral spines that can pierce human skin; as a result, they should be handled carefully and moved using a plastic container rather than a net because the spines could become caught in the mesh.

Since these fish have no scales, adding salt to the aquarium will harm them because they are so sensitive to it.

  • Tank Companions

Very calm neighbourhood fish. They won’t purposely bother the fish in the aquarium, but their fumbling around the tank could annoy more delicate fish or other bottom dwellers. It’s better to keep them in groups of 5 or more.


false network catfish table

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