Education Moore Exotics


False Map Turtle


A subspecies of the map turtle called the false map turtle is widespread in the Midwest of the United States. It is typically found in the area’s biggest river systems, such the Mississippi. The dark green shells of False Map turtles contain pronounced keels that resemble saws. They have a pattern of contour-like yellow markings and dark spots.


These subspecies favour the backwaters and huge rivers. However, they can also be found in the majority of freshwater aquatic environments, including flooded woods, sloughs, marshes, ponds, and lakes. This species prefers water bodies with slow currents, lots of places to sunbathe, and aquatic flora. They reside in a mild environment.

Care as a Pet

False MapTurtle


The enclosure doesn’t have to be extremely warm because they are endemic to temperate climes. The only area that typically needs to be heated is the basking area. The water must be at least in the mid-seventies. An air temperature of 80 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit is required. Finally, the temperature in the basking area must range from 85 to 90 F. A thermometer can be used to monitor the temperature of the aquarium. If the water temperature is too low, a submersible heater may be installed.


They are omnivorous, so feeding them is simple. How much animal protein to feed a turtle depends on its age, though However, they will consume aquatic plants and commercial aquatic turtle food. In the environment, juveniles and hatchlings often consume more plants than animal protein because they lack the strong jaws necessary to split the shells of hard-shelled animals like snails. Duckweed, Hyacinths, and other water plants are accepted by hatchlings. If you intend to feed them, make sure to provide them a variety of meals so they may obtain all the nourishment they require. These nutrients can be found in commercial aquatic meals. Worms and insects are also consumed by children, though less frequently than plants. Animal protein is preferred by adults over plant protein, Snails, crayfish, mealworms, and other insects like crickets are common diets for adults. 

The majority of map turtle keepers favour using aquatic turtle food sold in stores to feed their turtles. I advise you to begin there if you are a newbie. Add freeze-dried krill, shrimp, and veggies to the turtle meal (about twice a week). Aquatic Foods Inc. and Zoo Med Natural Aquatic Turtle Food Freeze Both dried krill and krill are suitable. The best meals to feed them are crickets, mealworms, and trout chow. While both are acceptable. Some hatchlings could be unyielding and refuse to eat prepared food. The turtles need to chase after live goldfish and guppies, which gives them exercise. 


false map turtle table

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