Education Moore Exotics


Euskal Txerria

Euskal Txerria


Around 120 Kilograms


Black and pink 

Physical Appearance

The French name for the breed infers that it is piebald, black, and pink.

Large dangling ears, small legs, a goofy appearance, and black spots on their head and hindquarters are all characteristics of Euskal Txerri pigs.
Euskal Txerria

Characteristics and Genetics

Pigs of the Euskal Txerria or Basque breed, also known as Pie Noir du Pays Basque, are indigenous to the Basque Country.

The historical breeds or breed varieties that the Basque peoples retained and which are now collectively known as the Basque pig date back to the 1920s. Although they were fairly widespread at the start of the 20th century, by 1981 there were only about 100 breeding sows remaining.

Basque pigs are better adapted for the production of cured meats like Bayonne ham than current breeds like the Large White because they grow more slowly and gain more fat than those breeds. Basque sows have very small litters of nine or fewer offspring, but they are good moms and have a strong maternal instinct.

They freely graze on grass, acorns, hazelnuts, and other nuts. They don’t really start to get fat until their final two months.


euskal txerria table

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