Education Moore Exotics





They can only reach a height of 2.5 cm (0.98 inches).

Physical Characteristics and Behavior

The male Endler’s tail is significantly longer and darker than the female’s, which is short and transparent. The tails of male Endlers may appear to have two tiny fins at first look because the bottom part is noticeably longer and resembles a spike. The color of the female Endler is different from the male’s; it is a golden gray with a translucent caudal peduncle and little tail pigment. The brilliant and brash colors of the male Endlers, which frequently include orange, black, blue, and green, define them.


Endler’s livebearers prefer waters with a high pH. between 64°C and 63°C (76°F to 146°F) (middle of this range is best). The pH scale’s range of 5.5 to 8.0. 10–30 KH = Water Hardness (10-30 KH).

In Captivity

Endlers fish

  • Care

To manage Endler’s livebearer care, you don’t need to be an accomplished aquarist. These freshwater fish are among the easiest in the business, just like their more common guppy cousins! Both new and experienced fish keepers can benefit from them. Having said that, it’s important to adhere to some care standards. You must attend to the specific demands of these fish because they only inhabit one wild area.

  • Tank Size

The aquarium is the easiest part to start with. Endler’s livebearers can survive in tanks as small as 20 gallons due to their small size. A school of four or five fish would be appropriate in a 20-gallon tank. Adapt the tank size to your needs if you wish to keep more fish. Add roughly four or five gallons of volume per fish as a general rule of thumb.

  • Tank Setup

For this fish, a well decorated tank is essential! They live in habitats that are rich in plants and algae. Live plants are a crucial addition, though you don’t have to go so far as to add algae to the tank. Fish use living plants as a source of food and cover. The plants also act as a secure hiding spot for fry when the fish breed. Include a wide selection of stemmed and floating plants. To keep things interesting, you can also add some ground cover and foreground plants.

  • Diet

The Endler are omnivores. They will consume almost anything that they can get their fins on! It’s ideal to offer a normal diet of dry flakes or pellets to animals kept in captivity. Keep an eye out for products that are balanced and designed to enhance coloring. You can offer live, frozen, or freeze-dried snacks in addition to the prepared food. The high-protein foods that these fish enjoy eating include bloodworms, daphnia, juvenile brine shrimp, and black worms.

  • Tank companions

If you wish to keep Endler’s livebearers in a communal tank, there are several compatibility alternatives available. You must, however, carefully organize your strategy. These fish should never be kept with aggressive species. They are much too little to protect themselves against aggressive or hungry fish. Try to keep them with fish that are the same size and docile enough to coexist together.

 Here are some good species to try if you’re seeking for appropriate tank mates for your Endler’s: 

Neon Tetra, Glass Fish, Bolivian Ram Cichlid, White Cloud Minnow, Zebra Danio, Cory Catfish, Otocinclus, Honey Gourami and Betta Fish.


endlers table

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