Education Moore Exotics


Ember Tetra



A maximum of about 2 cm (0.8 in).

Physical Characteristics and Behavior

Fish with beautiful colors are simple to find. Most pelvic fins are orange-red and transparent. Eyes with black borders often reflect the color of the fish, which has fused anal fins, a small dorsal fin, and a large caudal fin. With orange or red bodies, the dorsal and caudal fins are black or gray. Lengthy. Ember Tetra males and females appear to be identical. Their air bladders, however, are different. Male embers have little, angular air bladders. Females have a large, spherical air bladder, and when they reproduce, their abdomens expand. Their physical makeup enables them to swim gracefully and quickly. translucent scales that are tightly packed.


The habitat’s water should have a pH that is just barely acidic. pH levels between 5.5 and 7 are regarded as ideal. They were born in a region where the water was exceptionally soft, but they have now adapted to environments where the water hardness ranges from 5 to 17 dGH. Ideal conditions range from 24 to 29 degrees Celsius (73- and 73 degrees Fahrenheit).

Keeping as Pet

Ember tetra

  • Care

About as simple as it gets is Ember Tetra care. For aquarists of all levels of experience, these fish are a dream to keep. There isn’t much else you’ll need to worry about as long as you take care of the fundamentals, such as their habitat and the quality of the water. For this reason, we suggest them to anyone wishing to sprinkle a tiny bit of color into their tank!

  • Tank Size

Ember Tetras need tanks that are at least 10 gallons in size. This enables you to maintain a group of them collectively (more on that later) and also include the required number of plants. You should increase the tank size to 20 or 25 gallons if you wish to keep more of these fish together (between 20 and 25). This will keep the right amount of room, fish, and vegetation in place.

  • Parameters for water

For an Ember Tetra, maintaining the ideal water conditions is not particularly difficult. One of the key advantages of keeping these fish is this. They require relatively little upkeep in this aspect! 

  • Wide range of 73 to 84 degrees Fahrenheit for the water
  • The suggested pH range is 5-7, however we prefer to keep them closer to 6.5.
  • Hardness of water: 5–17 dGH

It’s always advised to purchase an aquarium test kit and carry out routine level checks. A safe frequency is once or twice a week at the very least.

  • Tank Companions

Because the Ember Tetra can mistakenly think they are a snack, we do not advise tank companions that are much larger than the Ember Tetra. You’re seeking nonaggressive fish that are about the same size. Popular fish combinations that get along with the Ember Tetra include pygmy catfish, cory catfish, rasboras, and Neon Tetra. But if you follow the advice regarding temperament and size, a tonne of possibilities become available to you.

  • Diet

Your Ember Tetras need to have a balanced diet, just like any other fish, in order to thrive and live a long life. If you want to make sure they get the vitamins and nutrients they need to keep their systems functioning properly, variety is crucial. The best place to start is with a mixed diet that includes flake fish food and frozen or freeze-dried meals. Daphnia and brine shrimp are excellent sources of protein and minerals when it comes to live foods. They may occasionally be seen munching on a plant as well. You don’t need to worry about this at all; everything is OK. This is a characteristic of how they normally act; they won’t eat enough to harm the plant.


ember tetra table

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