Education Moore Exotics





Light to dark amethystine, clear, somewhat Smokey. The hue is frequently zoned within the crystals. As a stacked or layered collection of crystals with several terminations, sometimes two terminations.

Geographical Distribution

Elestial quartz is also found in Brazil.

Metaphysical Properties

Elestial quartz contains a strong energy source that it uses to generate a slight vibration. These energy fields dispel concerns and obstacles. This stone supports you in learning how to cope with change and accepting it. When you’re feeling down, angels support and uplift you.


Chemical Composition

Oxygen and silicon are present in pure elestial quartz.


  • Smoky Elestial Quartz

Aluminum is present in smokey elements together with silicon and oxygen. Smoky elements have a grayish to blackish appeal due to aluminum’s ability to absorb light. Other names for smokey quartz include morion quartz and black quartz.

  • Amethyst Elestial Quartz

Gemstone amethyst elestial quartz has a purple hue. It is a member of the trapezohedral crystal class and possesses trigonal shape. The stone has hues ranging from deep purple to lavender.

  • Skeletal Elestial Quartz

Building blocks for skeletal celestial quartz are layers atop layers. This is what gives the stone its name and a skeletal appearance. Skeletal quartz promotes calmness and is helpful during meditation.


The extremely fine, high vibration of celestials contains a potent yet gentle energy that clears worries and obstructions. They guard the entrances to all existence and provide access to transformation. They are incredibly beneficial friends because they soothe, uplift, and bring calm during emotionally trying times.


Elestial Table

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