Education Moore Exotics


Electric Orange Hermit Crab



An eye-catching cleaner for the marine aquarium is the Electric Orange Hermit Crab. It has legs that are brilliant orange with brown bands. It also has blue eyes in addition to everything else. The maximum size is 2 inches. It also inhabits abandoned snail shells.


The Hawaiian Islands are the original home of the Electric Orange Hermit Crab.


Keeping as Pet

When algae levels are insufficient, many aquarists provide dried seaweed to feed hungry Electric Orange Hermit Crabs. Meaty meals like mysis prawns are advantageous to the Electric Orange Hermit Crab as well. Additionally, provide a mix of empty and bigger shells to account for molting and growth. Despite being tough, the Electric Orange Hermit Crab cannot handle copper-based treatments or changing water conditions.

Consumes a lot of the algae, fish food that hasn’t been consumed, and other debris in your aquarium.



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