Education Moore Exotics


Electric Blue Hap



Reaches a height of 6-7.9 inches (15.2-20 cm).

Physical Characteristics and Behavior

A popular African Cichlid among aquarium fish because of its distinctive color is the electric blue hap. This long, slender fish has vertical bars of dark blue color and a brilliant, cosmopolitan blue body that can reach a length of 7.9 inches. These fish are fiercely competitive and aggressive, and if given the chance, they would battle to the death.

In Captivity


  • Care

But a careful examination of the water’s quality is required. You will unquestionably require good aeration and a strong external filter. Keep an appropriate power thermostat in place because Electric Blue Hap are thermophilic critters. The aquarium needs a 20% water change once every week. Never drink water straight from the faucet since it could be contaminated with dangerous substances like chlorine or heavy metals.

Add Tetra AquaSafe conditioner to a bucket of fresh water to rapidly make it safe, and you may securely dump it into the aquarium without it settling. Keeping in mind that Lake Malawi’s water is heavily mineralized; make sure the hardness is at least 10 dGH.

  • Tank Size and Water Conditions

These circumstances exist in their watery habitat: The 55-gallon (210-liter) tank’s specifications are as follows: 80 degrees Fahrenheit (26.8 degrees Celsius), 71 degrees Fahrenheit (21.7 degrees Celsius), a pH range of 7 to 8.5, and a hardness range of 18 to 25 degrees dGH (300-417 ppm).

  • Tank Companions

Compared to many Malawi cichlids, Electric Blue Hap is quieter and has a more amiable personality. He cannot, however, be described as entirely submissive because he is a true predator and is more than capable of devouring any fish that will fit in his mouth. As a result, Electric Blue Hap should only be kept with cichlids of the same size. Mbuna cichlids, Demasoni cichlids, Yellow Lab cichlids, Blue Dolphin cichlids, Peacock cichlids, Synodontis catfish, etc. are suitable tank mates for Electric Blue Hap.


electric blue hap table

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