Education Moore Exotics


Egyptian Pygmy Mantis

Egyptian Pygmy Mantis.


Scientific Name: Miomantis paykullii

Lifespan: Females up to 1 year Males around 5-8 months

Along with Miomantis abyssinica, it is one of several species that are occasionally referred to as Egyptian praying mantises. The females are thicker and bulkier than the males, though they are almost the same size. This species of mantis can be bright green, beige, light brown, or dark brown in colour. The bodies of Egyptian Pygmy Mantises lack any distinctive coloration or markings.


In addition to Israel in the Middle East, the species is present in other African nations, including Egypt, the Ivory Coast, Ghana, Uganda, Senegal, and Togo.


Despite the fact that they actively stalk their food when they notice it, this type of mantis is often quite quiet. Miomantis don’t seem to be deterred from attacking prey, even if it seems a bit huge for this mantis. This mantis will flee or fly away if humans or other predators startle it. No documented defensive behavior, such as death-feigning or displaying colored marks, is known.

Keeping as a Pet/ In Captivity

Egyptian Pygmy Mantis


Your Egyptian Pygmy Mantis can easily obtain food because it consumes practically all sorts of prey insects that are the right size. All sizes and ages of Egyptian Pygmy Mantises prefer fruitflies. Adult Egyptian pygmy mantis can also consume small crickets, moths, green bottle flies, and any other insect species that is about half as long as the mantis.

Temperature and humidity

The Egyptian Pygmy Mantis has low expectations for its environment. The ideal temperature range is between 18 °C and 30 °C, with 25 °C being the best. You can let the temperature drop to at least 15 °C at night. This mantis does not require high air humidity. The nymphs require watering about three times per week. The grownups only need it twice a week, on average. Make sure the water droplets are accessible to the mantis. The terrarium or enclosure needs to have decent ventilation, so one side of the enclosure might be made of mesh.


Like all other species of mantis, Miomantis paycullii need a terrarium or enclosure that is large enough for it to wander around in. The Egyptian Pygmy Mantis won’t require much space because it only grows to be one inch long as an adult. One adult Miomantis mantis can fit into an enclosure that measures 4 by 3 by 3 inches. Provide it with a lot of sticks and ornaments for it to walk on and hang from.


Egyptian Pygmy Mantis table


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