Education Moore Exotics


Egyptian Mau Cat



 Size: 6-12lbs.

The Egyptian Mau represents the only natural domesticated breed of spotted cat. She typically has a medium build, with males being bigger than females. The Mau has a lot of muscle and is powerful.

The Mau has ears that are slightly shaped and a triangular skull with huge almond-like eyes. Her delicate profile makes nothing on her stand out as excessive, except for the coat’s spotted tabby patterns.

The Mau has a shiny, silky, medium-length coat. The tabby striping on the face, limbs, and tail contrasts with the body’s spots on the coat. On their hind legs, the majority of Maus have a flap of looser skin that extends from their flanks to their knees.


 Activity Level: High

Social needs:

The Egyptian Mau is a beautiful and smart cat. According to Sandra Woodley, chairperson of The Egyptian Mau Club, “they are highly devoted to their humans and frequently attach most deeply with one particular individual, but are caring and loving with everyone in their family unit.” They might first be a little wary of strangers but will often warm up to them fast. It gets along well with playful kids and other pets that can keep up with her busy and energetic lifestyle, especially cats.

Egyptian Maus are the quickest domestic cat breed. Over 30 mph has been recorded as their top speed.


Since 1550 BC, spotted cats have been depicted in writings and artworks from ancient Egypt. Despite the Egyptian Maus being documented in Europe before World War II, the war almost completely wiped off the species. While residing in Rome, Natalie Troubetskoy, a Russian princess, received a silver female cat as a present.

Given the name “Baba,” and in 1956, Baba and her two kittens followed her to the United States. Troubetskoy created a standard and started breeding Egyptian Maus to protect the breed.

Care as a Pet

Egyptian maus are fun, inquisitive, and active cats that require a lot of stimulus in their surroundings. Like all cats, they will live longer, healthier lives if they are fed a high-quality diet, have as little stress as possible, and receive routine preventative veterinarian treatment. Happy and healthy cats will result from spaying, neutering, vaccination, and keeping them indoors with lots of activities and companionship.



This breed needs opportunities to run, leap, and climb frequently. They should have access to high cat trees, scratching posts, toys, and secure indoor areas to run and climb. They can be trained to collect toys, walk with safe leashes and harnesses, and enjoy engaging in interactive play with humans. They frequently engage in conversation and use chirping, chortling, and meowing among other vocalizations. 

Egyptian maus enjoy the water, and like all cats, they should always have access to a constant supply of clean water. They can be encouraged to drink more water by using water fountains, which also give them a place to splash around and have fun.

Nutrition and Diet

A high-quality diet that includes both wet and dry food should be provided to Egyptian maus. Based on the cat’s lifestyle and activity level, a veterinarian can assist in determining the ideal diet for each particular cat. Specialized diets may be necessary to treat specific medical issues.

Grooming needs:

 Egyptian Maus, like other cats, shed moderately, but weekly brushing eliminates loose hair.


Egyptian Mau table

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