Education Moore Exotics


Eastern River Cooters

Eastern river cooter turtle

Freshwater semi-aquatic turtles known as Eastern River Cooters are widespread in the Eastern and Midwestern parts of the United States. On rocks or logs by the water’s edge, you may occasionally find them soaking up the sun. These medium-sized turtles can breathe underwater and love swift-moving lakes, rivers, and streams.

The shells of eastern river cooters range in color from brown to olive and are somewhat domed. Their plastrons are yellow, and they have lovely yellowish markings on their shells and heads. These Cooters favor a herbivorous diet of fruits and aquatic plants.

Care as a Pet

Eastern river cooter


Cooters require an aquatic habitat with a dry place for basking in captivity. They require UVB radiation and a warming light (from reptile lights or direct sunshine). They can be kept as juveniles in tanks that are 20 or 30 gallons long, but they will outgrow those spaces and require a very large tank or an outside pond.


Despite being mostly herbivorous, river cooters will consume any type of food, whether it is alive or dead. The foods that are readily available seem to influence diet. Despite the belief of some authors, these turtles have been seen acting predatorily. Although this animal can’t swallow when out of the water, it will go out to get a nice insect or worm before going back in to swallow. Cooters will also eagerly pursue, slay, and consume small fish. They have also been seen consuming carrion that has been found along the river. The top jaw of river cooters has cusps that resemble teeth; this adaptation probably makes it easier for them to chew fibrous plants and leaves.


eastern river cooter turtle table

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