Education Moore Exotics


Eastern Box Turtle


The Eastern United States has wild populations of eastern box turtles, albeit they are in decline. They can be found in a wide range of habitats, from moist woods to arid grasslands. They frequently travel into shallow water and hibernate during the colder months. These turtles have high-domed brown shells with vivid red, yellow, and orange patterns. They are relatively simple to house as pets due to their environmental flexibility, but they still need some specialized care.

Care as a Pet

Eastern Box Turtle


The majority of aquariums are too tiny for this turtle, however hatchlings and juveniles can fit in tanks that are at least 20 gallons in size. As long as you can meet the turtle’s requirements for lighting and temperature, an enclosure measuring at least 4 square feet and having sides that are at least 18 inches tall will do.


In addition to a shaded area in their pen that is between 74 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit, eastern box turtles frequently prefer a sunlit area that is between 85 and 88 degrees Fahrenheit. The temperature at night should not drop below 70 degrees Fahrenheit. If your outside habitat is unable to match this requirement, take them inside and provide their pen a warming lamp.


Low-fat protein sources should make up the rest of their daily diet. Slugs, snails, crickets, earthworms, mealworms, and grasshoppers are examples of whole, live foods that are great for turtles because they need more protein for growth than adults do. According to its size and age, ask your veterinarian for the precise amount your turtle should consume. In order to balance its daily diet of insects and salads, you might also want to give your box turtle a multivitamin.

Freshwater should always be available in a shallow pan. They occasionally wade in their water dish even though they are not aquatic turtles. This is why it’s crucial to check the water frequently during the day for droppings and to refresh it as necessary.


The damp atmosphere that resembles a wet forest floor is what the Eastern box turtle prefers. Maintain a humidity level of at least 70-80% by misting every day or buying an automatic fogger. Humidity is reduced by placing the shallow pool of water in the turtle’s habitat.


eastern box turtle table

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