Education Moore Exotics


Dumb Cane

Dumb Cane

The genus Dieffenbachia contains numerous species of tropical perennials that are frequently grown indoors. They have ovate, pointy leaves that are various shades of green, cream, and white. A large, healthy dieffenbachia can grow to be 10 feet tall and have leaves that are 20 inches long.

This perennial grows in clusters and has up to 12″ long, ovate-oblong to oblong, pointy, glossy leaves. The hue of the leaves varies, although they are often green with cream- or white-colored patches or blotches. The cane-like stalk can be seen as lower leaves drop off. Plants can reach heights of 6 to 10 feet in their natural environment, but when cultivated indoors in containers, they are typically kept considerably smaller. The plant is known as stupid cane because of its poisonous properties. Sap burns the lips and throat, perhaps paralyzing the voice chords and producing numbness. The skin and eyes of people might be irritated by sap. In indoor plants, calla-like flowers and red berries are uncommon.


Dieffenbachia grows best indoors in an area with bright, indirect sunshine. Place it in peat-rich, fertile, well-drained potting soil. As a tropical plant, it thrives in circumstances with high humidity. Setting the pot on a pebble tray with water inside is one way to accomplish this. Misting the foliage can be helpful during the dry winter months.

Overwatering is a common issue with this plant, as it is with many other indoor houseplants. Before giving the plant a good watering so that moisture can drain out the bottom of the container, let the top 2 inches of the potting soil completely dry out. As the plant develops, you can choose to remove the lower, weaker leaves to get a specimen that resembles a miniature palm with an arching canopy.



Plant dieffenbachia outside in your shade garden where it can get some dappled light if you live in a warm region. From early spring through the end of the summer and the beginning of the fall, water plants outside twice per week. Dieffenbachia plants can grow tall and wide, so if you’re planting more than one in a garden, leave plenty of room between them (a few feet). When planting inside, consider placing the dieffenbachia plant in a naturally damp environment, like a bathroom or kitchen, where it will thrive. Consider misting the plant or placing it on a rock tray with water that will naturally evaporate and produce humidity around the plant if you decide to place it in a dry part of your home.


Dieffenbachia plants are perfect indoor plants because they do well in shadow. Nonetheless, these plants profit from bright light all winter long. During the growing season, the plant prefers indirect light or dappled shade. The plant will favour the side facing the light, so rotate it occasionally to maintain a balanced growth pattern.


Choose a potting mix that drains quickly and thoroughly. Make sure the soil has enough drainage; roots should never be left in moist soil to avoid damaging them.


During the growing season, dieffenbachias prefer constant moisture and do not want to become dehydrated. A large dieffenbachia may need watering twice weekly. During the winter, you can use less water. But you shouldn’t overwater a dieffenbachia because that might lead to rot problems. Make sure the soil’s surface is totally dry before watering.

Temperature and Humidity

The ideal temperature range for this plant is between 65 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit. If the temperature drops below 60 degrees or if it is exposed to chilly breezes, the plant is prone to lose its bottom leaves and take on a palm-like appearance. The plant prefers a lot of moisture.


For best results, feed plants on a regular basis (every four to six weeks) with a balanced, diluted fertilizer, such as a 20-20-20. For usage guidelines, refer to the product’s packaging. But some farmers fully support the practice of dousing each watering with a mild fertilizer.


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