Education Moore Exotics


Dubia Cockroach

Dubia Cockroaches (Blaptica dubia)

A medium-sized species of cockroach known as the Dubia roach, orange-spotted roach or Argentinian wood roach, can reach lengths of about 40 to 45 mm (1.6–1.8 in).

Adult females only have little wing stubs with their tegmina (forewings) being roughly a fourth of their body length, in contrast to adult males who have complete wings covering their entire bodies. They exhibit sexual dimorphism. Adults have a dark brown to black coloration with lighter orange spots and stripes that are occasionally only visible in bright light. Coloration varies slightly from colony to colony depending on environment and diet.

Keeping as Pet

One of the most common in the hobby, particularly as a feeder, are dubia cockroaches. The Dubia cockroach is incredibly simple to raise and full of nutrition. Unless in tropical areas, it also does badly in the home setting, therefore it usually does not escape and turn into a problem.

Dubia Cockroaches

Requirements to Keep as Pet

  • Enclosure

In general, dubia roaches prefer crowded settings to open spaces and are not choosy about their containment and tolerance for crowding. Dubia colonies can range in size from a respectable size in a 20-gallon plastic tub or glass terrarium to a very huge colony in a modified plastic trash can. Additionally, dubia roaches struggle to climb, which makes it difficult for them to flee. Make careful to preserve a shelter in the enclosure, such as cardboard, stacked egg cartons, or more substantial areas like flowerpots, wood, and stone caves.

  • Feeding

This species can survive on a wide variety of meals and even materials like paper or linen. It is advisable to augment fruits and vegetables with dog chow, grains, or poultry mash when feeding dubia roaches.

  • Humidity

Dubia roaches don’t have a significant predilection for humidity. However, spritz the enclosure to keep humidity high if it falls below 40%.

  • Temperature

Dubia roaches are tropical insects, hence they require a warm environment. The ideal temperature range for dubia roaches to reproduce and grow at a sustainable rate is between 72 and 90 degrees Fahrenheit. With the help of heat pads, emitters, or lights, can maintain the temperature where it should be.

  • Breeding

Dubia roaches will reproduce as long as their environment is kept at a temperature of at least 70 degrees Fahrenheit. They will reproduce and develop more quickly in an environment that is warmer.

  • Care 

One of the simpler species for the hobby is the dubia cockroach. They will prosper if given a warm environment as well as lots of food and water.


dubia cockeoaches table

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