Education Moore Exotics


Deepwater Haplochromis Fish



20 cm length of males and 15 cm for females.

Physical Appearance

Male fish are bigger and more colorful as adults; young fish are challenging to sex. The name of this hap, one of the African cichlids with simpler appearances, comes from the fact that it is frequently discovered in deeper Lake Malawi places in the wild. Male fish are still appealing, and they are beginning to develop blue coloration around their heads and vertical black stripes running along their bodies. The intensity of these stripes increases in the head area and fades progressively towards the tail. Some males exhibit blue coloration all over their bodies, but it dwindles as they go closer to the fish’s tail.


only found in Lake Malawi. Between Chiwindi and Lumbaulo, from Lumnessi to the border with Malawi, and along the coast of Malawi to Nekete, it is present in the area of Likoma Island and Mara Point.

It lives above sandy bottoms in locations with deeper water (often below 7 metres).

Keeping as Pet


Tank Setup

Deepwater haps will spend the entire day sifting through your substrate seeking for leftovers, so always supply sand. While leaving the front of the tank free for swimming spaces, provide rock work for hiding spots.

Make sure that the deepwater hap is not housed with aggressive species like mbuna, aulonacara, or similar are ideal and will offer harmony in the aquarium. The deepwater hap is a rather tranquil species compared to other species of the same area. These fish should be housed in an aquarium that can hold at least 200 to 250 litres, larger for a larger group due to the larger size of the males.

Water Conditions

Temperature: 75-82°F (24-28°C)

pH: 7.6-8.8

Hardness: 10-25°H

Food and feeding

As a scavenger, deepwater hap frequently searches for food remnants left by other fish. It will eat everything presented to it and will accept high-quality flake, krill and brine prawns, but feed sparingly to avoid bloat. The healthiest fish will have a diversified diet, which should also enhance their coloration. Feed only as much food as the fish can consume in five minutes; any food left over will rot and reduce the aquarium’s water quality.


deepwater-haplochromis-fish table

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