Education Moore Exotics


Danish Protest Pig

Danish Protest Pig


Male 350 kilograms while female 300 kilograms.


Typically crimson with a thick white belt running vertically and a faint white belt running horizontally

Physical Appearance

A white line that runs along the shoulder blades and descends to the hooves itself captures the forelimbs. The bristles are silky, straight, and uncurled, and the hair is thick. It covers the animal’s body uniformly.
Danish Protest

Characteristics and Genetics

It dates back to the early 20th century in North Frisia in Southern Schleswig, where Danes residing there under Prussian administration were forbidden from flying the Danish flag and hoisted the Protest Pig in its place.

It was developed from red-colored Angeln Saddlebacks, Holstein and Jutlandian marsh pigs, the English Tamworth pig, and other pigs. It was acknowledged as a breed in 1954, but following the breed’s final birth in 1968, it was thought to be extinct.

Pigs that entirely matched the breed’s descriptions hadn’t been seen since 1984.

The sows in this group of pigs are exceptionally fertile and frequently give birth to several piglets.


danish protest pig table

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